Bodhi Freeway 2 Tutorials
Receiving ... Listing errors when clicking Catchup
Problem: When doing a Catchup in Bodhi Freeway 2, nothing downloads and Catchup hangs on Receiving and Listing:
Receiving... Listing: 315 (numbers may be different)

Solution: This problem is caused due to the Bodhi Freeway 2 server being blocked on your computer by either a firewall or anti-virus software.
To fix this problem you need to ensure that the Bodhi Freeway 2 server: is entered as a trusted website in your firewall and anti-virus software. Please refer to your firewall/anti-virus software user manual or troubleshooting website for instruction on how to do this.

You can also try changing to the Backup server as that may not have been blocked by your computer.

    To change to the Backup server, do the following:
  1. Open Bodhi Freeway 2.
  2. Click the Edit>Options>Connect tab.
  3. In the Server box, select Backup.
  4. In the Firewall box, select Use Passive Mode.
  5. Change the Server box back to Primary.
  6. Exit [x] the Options window.
  7. Connect to the Internet and click Catchup.